토플 IBT SPEAKING (스피킹) 독립형 주제 60개
1. What is an event you remember well, such as an anniversary or birthday?
2. Describe the country you would most like to visit and explain why. Include details and examples to support your explanation.
3. What is the most important holiday in your country? Why do you think it is so important? Include details and examples to support your explanation.
4. Describe your favorite method of staying health, and explain why it is good for you. Include details and examples to support your explanation.
5. What is your favorite movie genre? Explain why it is your favorite. Include details and examples to support your explanation.
6. Describe an influential role model in your life. Explain why you respect this person. Include specific details and examples in your explanation.
7. What do you consider your most important achievement? Explain why you are proud of it. Use details and examples in your explanation.
8. Choose a place in your country that you would recommend that a foreign friend visit. Why that place is a must-see? Include details and explanation to support your explanation.
9. Describe your favorite food from your native country, and explain why it’s your favorite. Include details and examples to support your explanation.
10. Choose the most important room in your house and explain why it’s important to you. Include specific details and examples in your explanation.
11. Describe an important friend in your life. Why is this person significant to you? Include details and examples to support your explanation.
12. What is the most meaningful gift you have ever received? Why is that gift special to you? Please include specific details and examples in your explanation.
13. What is your favorite season and why? Include details and explanation to support your explanation.
14. Describe the most memorable place you have ever visited and explain why that place is special to you. Include details and examples to support your explanation.
15. Describe one historical figure you would like to meet and explain why. Include specific details and examples in your explanation.
16. What is your favorite pastime? Explain why you enjoy it. Include details and examples to support your explanation.
17. What is a useful skill your mother or father taught you? Describe the skill and how you were taught this skill.
18. How did you spend your free time in high school? Do you think this was a useful or positive way to spend your free time? Talk about specific things you did and why you chose to do this.
19. Difficult experiences can be valuable learning experiences. What was difficult experience you went through? What did you learn from this experience?
20. What kind of work are you willing to do even if you never get paid for it? Explain what you enjoy about this work or how you benefit even without pay.
21. Of all the things you have done or not done in the past, which one has caused you the most regret? Include details and reasons in your answer.
22. The last time you needed to discuss something important, who did you talk with? A parent, a relative, or a friend? Why did you choose to discuss things with this person?
23. What is the worst vacation you have ever had? Give details and reasons supporting your answer.
24. People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. Some read, some exercise and others work in their gardens. What do you think are the most ways of reducing stress? Use specific details and examples in your answer.
25. Describe a time in your life when you felt proud of a member of your family. What did the person do, and why were you proud? Include details and examples to support your answer.
26. Many people grow up in families with pets or on farms. These people often have positive experience with animals enjoy being around them. Others do not feel comfortable around animals. Describe your experience with animals and how you feel about pets. Include details and examples support your explanation.
27. Parents often complain about the friend their children make and the negative influence these friends have on their children. Explain a time in your life when a friend of yours had a negative influence on you.
28. People say that “necessity is the mother of invention.” This means that people come up with inventions or solutions when they need to solve problems in their lives. Describe a difficult problem in your life that required a clever solution. Include details and examples to support your explanation.
29. Sometimes, extended family members have skills or personalities quite different from nuclear family members. Describe a time in your life when you have benefit from contact with an extended family member. Include details and examples in your explanation.
30. Many university students live in dorm together with others. Explain a time in your life when you had a difficult time sharing a room or apartment with other people. Include details and examples in your answer.
31. Which could be the best invention of the mankind? Why?
32. Describe a social or political event in your country. Why is it important?
33. Which was the most important decision in your life?
34. Why was it so important and how was the decision?)
35. Describe the memorable person in your life. Why is he or she so memorable?
36. Explain about the most influencing person in your group or community.
37. What does he or she do? Why does he or she have so much of influence?
38. Describe the person you admire most. Why?
39. What could be the important characteristic of good friend? And why?
40. Who was the most influencing person in your life? Why?
41. Describe about the transportation in your country.
42. Which is the most favored sports in your country?
43. Which is the most favored sports activity in your country?)
44. Describe the book that you found most interesting. Why?
45. Describe the book that affected most to you. Why?
46. Describe the memorable class in your life. Why is it memorable?
47. Describe the memorable event from the school you had attended. Why?
48. What could be the most important quality of a good teacher?
(ex. teaching ability, hospitality, etc.) Why do you consider so?
49. Which is the best city you have visited? Why?
50. Which is the best city you would live to live? Why?
51. Describe the city attractions you live in. Explain with details and examples.
52. Where is the best place to have good time with your friends? Why?
53. Which is the best public place you would like to go? Why?
54. Describe a holiday in your country. Why do you think it is memorable?
55. Do you consider childtime important?
56. What do you consider when you go to restaurants or food stands?
57. What do you think of characteristics of good parents?
58. What do you think of characteristics of good students?
59. What do you think of characteristics of good teachers?
60. What do you think of characteristics of good sons and daughter?